Casebook Featured in NCSL Article on “Child Welfare Information Systems”

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Tristan Louis

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NCSL LogoAn article about “Child Welfare Information Systems” on the
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) website has featured Casebook and the state of Indiana.

Excerpt from the article, Child Welfare Information Systems

[…] in response to advancement of information technology, some states are implementing new and innovative systems to capture data and support child welfare caseworkers. These alternative models are often designed to do much more than just collect and report data; they are also intended to provide real time case management information to assist caseworkers, educators and other child welfare workers make the most informed decisions for the children in their charge.

One state leading the way is Indiana, which is using Casebook.

Casebook is a web-based, mobile, program that allows caseworkers to see real-time information designed to help them make more evidence-informed decisions. It also allows policymakers and caseworkers to identify trends in child welfare policy in real-time, eliminating the necessity to rely on months-old data.

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Tristan Louis
Tristan Louis
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